Captain Thomas in Vietnam in 1970.

Captain Thomas, a senior year ROTC cadet.
Larry Loftis, a Vietnam veteran and retired Secret Service agent, Captain Thomas, Colonel (Retired) Greg Lowe, 1968.

Colonel (Retired) Lowe, BEST FRIEND of Captain Thomas spent time together shortly before Captain Thomas’s extension leave in January 1970, during the Vietnam War.
Graduation parade at the ROTC Summer Camp, 1967 (Captain Thomas is on the far right)

Original Telegram Received Concerning Captain Thomas’ Death
Uniform & Watch Cap Shadow boxes provided by LTC Struzik, Professor of Military Science, Western Kentucky University

Watch cap, ammo case, mess kit, ribbon rack and dress uniform rack: Letter is from Captain Thomas to a cadet at WKU while he was deployed. There was a great tradition of past cadets communicating with the current cadets and sharing stories & experiences.